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Product Import and Export Trade
- Categories:Business section
- Time of issue:2020-05-12 00:00:00
- Views:0
Description:Import and export of goods and technologies (excluding goods and technologies prohibited or restricted by the state).
The company has the second-class qualification of general contracting for mechanical and electrical engineering construction, the second-class qualification of general contracting for petrochemical engineering construction, the third-level qualification of general contracting for construction engineering, the third-level qualification for general contracting of electrical engineering construction, and the qualifications for installation, repair and renovation of pressure pipelines GB1 and GC2. , Currently applying for the qualification of pressure vessel A1, A2 manufacturing and on-site welding. Can undertake all kinds of domestic and foreign steel structures, pipe corridors, dredging ship steel piles and double sets of wear-resistant pipes, large oil tanks, low-temperature tanks, LNG storage tanks, anti-corrosion and waterproof insulation, installation and removal of power facilities and other projects.
Since the establishment of the company, it has successively tried many projects in the field of product import and export, such as steel, cold-insulated glass bricks, cryogenic valves, instruments, control systems, etc., and finally achieved a major breakthrough in the overall overseas construction of 20,000m ethylene cryogenic storage tanks in 2018
Successfully pushed the company's own technology in the LNG industry to overseas markets and won unanimous praise from local owners. In the later period, the company will continue to explore overseas markets and expand the market share of the company's product import and export trade.